A little bit about me


I’m Missy! While I’ve been photographing families professionally for 10 years, my love of photography began 16 years ago when I became a mom who was frustrated seeing all the fleeting and beautiful things about my children with no way to meaningfully preserve them. My husband gifted me an entry level DSLR in 2010 and thus began my love of photography.

Because I was a stay at home mom, I know living on one income means family’s go with out many luxuries. Because of this,I try to remain budget friendly. Despite the financial investments and time I continue to pour into my business and craft, I am still one of the most affordable photographers compared to those with my experience and skill set.

Photography is an art form and a gift that I feel grateful to have. I can’t paint a beautiful sunset or sing like a bird but I can see the beauty in people and in moments and find a way to freeze it. The quick second that a shutter closes, an image is saved and it becomes part of the fabric of a family’s story. I imagine my family’s grandchildren scouring photos, finding familiar features or expressions in faces of their grandparents, aunts, or uncles. To me, this responsibility is heavy and thrilling and I assure you, it is truly my honor to be your photographer. I never take lightly that, of the thousands of local photographers, you have chosen me.

Photo credit: Nicole and Taylor Hansford ( My sister and niece)